Monday, June 23, 2008

final exp3 model


My Exp3 model development really started when i was doing my mash up. The ideas of power, control, commercialism, corruption and growth were created from the joining of 3 article allowed me to evolve these ideas to become structural elements. The bridge itself i have reconstructed for it to become an idea of power itself. The monumental design of pyramids inverted and tessellating to still retain a form of a bridge came as the pyramids are a icon figure of power. The Egyptian race the retained power politically, technologically is an example of the power these pyramids represent.
Steve Jobs space is based upon hyperbolic idea that jobs is a god. His control over his target market and the way his advertising and marketing can control how people react to his products made me fearful of this character. His "divine" space is represented my a cloud. Although a cloud does not have physical structural qualities, i have planned and shaped it to become my own interpretation of a cloud. The cloud structure has many cables/string descending from it. This idea can be seen as the cloud creating rain, to fuel zhang's growth in power (as mention in the mash up) or as the strings of the puppeteer. The strings Jobs uses to control his market and manipulated and propagate his company's name. The square levels inside these strings are elevators which depict the movement of people in shopping centres and malls. The rising and descending along elevator cables, all manipulated and controlled within the puppet strings of Jobs.Zhang's space is contained and simplistic yet it grows and dominates the whole environment. The growth of power is a major connotation which reflects her paper recycling business. Growth is associated to the natural world therefore my structure is similar to the naturally spreading vines and roots.
The bridge experience itself embedded in the pyramids is a corridor of class and nobility. A common part of power is wealth and the meeting area must accommodate the wealthy and powerful, therefore such an environment was create as a showcase of achievements by the people meeting in this space.

2nd draft





UT Exp3 Spaces


elevator reminiscent of shopping malls. the movement of people in shopping malls. the idea that jobs controls the public with commercialism. The movement of people is controlled by the "puppet" strings which also allude to the cables of shopping centre elevators.

draft UT


my table developed and inspired from a puppeteers string connection tool in which he shall control the puppets movements. The table is for the puppeteers of the world, the ones with power.