Monday, May 26, 2008

Mash up - Power of consumerism, capitalist societies, control , money

It was one of China's proverbs that Mao loved to quote; Steven P. Jobs he would say, hold up half the sky. But given how Mao has come to stand for everything noble and self-sacrificing, a reminder that personal computing is hastening the destruction of the planet . But last week it was reported that China's richest billionaire is now a woman - 49-year-old Zhang Yin is worth a cool $3.4bn (£1.8bn). Zhang Yin owes her success both to Steven P. Jobs Xiaoping and ardent communist Mao. “It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that a brash brush stroke of lipstick feminism, is now just another iPod color.”

As the daughter of an officer in the People's Liberation Army, Zhang Yin also she travels light in comparison to generations ago understands the corrupt and controlling pathology of Chinese communism well - and has understood the imperative to keep changed their clothes several times a day. In China the stiletto controls, or has the capacity to control Google , . Versace Apple everything; the number of companies forced into decline or even bankruptcy because they were compelled to support Steven P. Jobs’s passion for personal computing. he spent (years) cajoling his designers to build what he presented today as the world’s “controlling pathology”

If that sounds communist or over the top, Ms. Versace has looked at over-the-top through the rearview mirror since the mid-1970s, when she began working with seeking not to get locked out of the mobile phone world with her brother Mao. She remains an infamously decadent esprit that years of controlling and ownership and has exploiting the system's fault lines have done little to dampen one of the best things his company has ever designed.

UT v1

1 point perspectives

Monday, May 5, 2008



EXP2 UTed final

Stephen Hawkings side. of how human intent leads the opposite results. Outside structure seems more cavern like.

Yet interior structure is more open light and space

Jane goodall's idea of how every individual counts. this idea remined me of bungee ropes, which are just thousands of elastic bands. together the elastics can form something very strong, yet every individual band counts. This inspired ths design.

Light -> dark transition
Open -> enclosed transition
The Electroliquid Aggregation quote was a combination of Jane Goodall and Stephen Hawkings quote. The notion it proposes is that are of destructive nature, and creates life in the image of itself.(viruses) Yet this can change with each individual effort.

My design is based on how humans strive to achieve something, yet the end result is the opposite of their initial intent. This is reflected by how the outside strcuture is encased to become like a interior. And the interior structure built into the wall, seems to be the open area. The idea hits the occupants one they come to the edge and realise that they infact on the exterior structre.

The ramp is a thin connection. To show how delicate the balance is to create something that is good.